
Hi my name is Marleigh Grace French. I was born 2-11-2011 to my parents Stephen  and Staci French. I love my life and am a very strong girl. I had surgeries for my cleft lip/palate and also for my hip dyplasia.  I was in a body cast and then a brace for a long time. I am now learning quickly how to crawl, stand on my knees and stand when Daddy and Mommy play Happy Enchilada with me. Soon I will be running around like crazy! I am a very vocal baby….I can say ABC and Apple Ball Cat/CAr…Mom, daddy and her name is “Mo”….no way is fun No Dog is better…I also will be a CSI dtective because I can find anything on the floor and give it to Mommy and Daddy..I am just a really happy girl!

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